Our Team Members get rewarded with:
Presale passes
Drinks and snacks
Fun times and conversation with other team members
Schedule your work hours through our online system from the Login tab on the Website.
Jobs Available
Setup - set up merchandise area, help put out signs, organize work areas, unload boxes, etc.
Accepting Dates - do quality checks of incoming items, assist consignors in setting out their items, help organize incoming items.
Sale Days - help at checkout, sack items for customers, assist customers that are shopping, help keep merchandise organized and orderly on tables during the sale, organize merchandise for sale to begin the next morning, assist shoppers in our holding area.
Sort - sort unsold items by consignor number and bag and box all items.
Consignor Pickup - do quality checks of outgoing items, assist consignors in loading up their unsold items, clean up venue, take down signs, load items into trailer.
Can't work during our sale dates? It's OK! We still could use your help!
Distribute flyers or brochures to local businesses, including doctors' offices; daycare centers; libraries; dance, gymnastics, and karate studios; churches; schools; scout meetings; etc.
Help us obtain radio, television, or newspaper coverage.
Stuffing and mailing envelopes and sending thank you cards after the sale.

We Love Our Team Members
We love our team members, and we would not be able to make this a successful event without your help. As a team member, you have the opportunity to shop during the presale times. You do not need to be a consignor to be a team member. In order for the sale to run smoothly, it's imperative for team members to work the days and times they've committed to.
Carefully consider your schedule and ability to fulfill the job's requirements prior to registering as a worker. If you sign up to help and you do not show up for your designated work times, you will forfeit your presale passes. If you have an emergency and are unable to work your designated work times, please let us know in advance so that we may find a replacement to work for you.
Many of our jobs require standing or other physical work. So if you have special needs, please let us know. Keep in mind that some jobs, like setup and sorting, require extended periods of standing and heavy lifting.
The first setup day does require the most help in order to organize merchandise effectively for our shoppers.
We also need extra help at the close of the sale to help get consignors' items sorted for pickup.
Completed Agreements can be emailed to info@theconsignmentconnection.com