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Agreements & Forms
Crafters Exchange
Consignment Forms


We have provided links to the forms that you will need to sign and return in order to participate in our sales event.  For a faster drop-off, we suggest printing the forms and scanning and emailing them back to us before you drop your items off at the sale.  All forms may be emailed to  In the event you are not able to email them to us, we will have forms available at the time of drop-off for you to sign.  The form descriptions below will help you decide which forms you will need to submit in order to participate.



1. CONSIGNOR AGREEMENT - Each consignor will need to initial each numbered item on the agreement and sign the bottom of the agreement in order to participate in any sales events.​


2. T.A.G.S. AGREEMENT - Consignors that would like to use our tagging service to tag your items for the upcoming sale will need to submit this agreement to use the service.

3. TEAM MEMBER AGREEMENT - Each volunteer that is working at the sale will need to initial each numbered item on the agreement and sign the bottom of the agreement before you begin a work shift.

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